Våran proffsiga engelska


Jag, Madde och Emelie fick i uppgift att skriva 20 djurarter som skulle stanna kvar på jorden om vi fick bestämma och sen skulle vi ha en bra anledning varför så nu får ni några av dom bästa!

Cow - because we need the milk and the meet. If we don't have the milk we will be "wiggli"!

Bee's - They give us honey and make the flowers pretty. And helps the birds to live.

Pig - we want to kill and eat them, and have them on our christmastable.

worms - because they give us healthy dirt so we got the nicest potatos in the world, we called it "färskpotatis"

Camels - Because Egypten need them to ride through the desért.

Moose - They are the king of the wood. And we can eat them.

Bird - we can use the feders to make clothes.

Sheep - we have to make varm bed-clothes and clothes of the ull.

Giraffe - to "uttöka sig"

Polarbeer - they diserve to live.

Pandabeer - They are so CUTE!

Elephant - saves us from tsunamis and "earthkweik"

Monkeys - so the human not die out.

haha där har ni några av dom ;)



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